Warm, sweet, fresh and intoxicating, this is the fragrance Womanity Thierry Mugler. The central motif of the entire fragrance composition is figs as a symbol of femininity. The fragrance honors the loveliness, integrity and sensuality of women through a bold and expressive contrast of fragrance ingredients. The sweetness and juiciness of fresh figs meets the elegance of wood in the form of fig leaves and wood. The unexpected chord of caviar gives everything a unique spicy breadth. Womanity is an expression of the thoughts of a modern, connected, yet diverse world.
Odgovorna oseba:
Sestava: INCI:
Datum uporabe: natisnjen na deklaraciji parfuma
Dišava vsebuje sestavino, ki je spremenljive barve, zato se lahko njena vsebina razlikuje od odtenka na sliki.
Razvrstitev nevarnosti po zakonu o kemikalijah
H226: Zelo lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi.
P102: Hraniti zunaj dosega otrok.
P210: Hraniti ločeno od vročine/isker/odprtega ognja/vročih površin. – Kajenje prepovedano.
P211: Ne pršiti proti odprtemu ognju ali drugemu viru vžiga.
Parfumske note: