Cool, unrestrained, refreshing, this is the COOL WATER Davidoff fragrance. In the opening of the fragrance, juicy fruit notes of pineapple, watermelon, blackcurrant and lemon are elegantly combined with delicate petals of lily and lotus. The heart of the fragrance is a rich bouquet of jasmine, water lily, lily of the valley, red roses and hawthorn, complemented by delicious honey. Sensual musk, vetiver, vanilla and sandalwood are hidden in the finish, which add depth and seduction to the entire fragrance composition. Immerse yourself in the ocean of infinite freshness and natural beauty.
Odgovorna oseba:
Sestava: INCI:
Datum uporabe: natisnjen na deklaraciji parfuma
Dišava vsebuje sestavino, ki je spremenljive barve, zato se lahko njena vsebina razlikuje od odtenka na sliki.
Razvrstitev nevarnosti po zakonu o kemikalijah
H226: Zelo lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi.
P102: Hraniti zunaj dosega otrok.
P210: Hraniti ločeno od vročine/isker/odprtega ognja/vročih površin. – Kajenje prepovedano.
P211: Ne pršiti proti odprtemu ognju ali drugemu viru vžiga.
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